Surface Mounted Door Closers

Overhead surface mounted door closers are the most common, and they’re widely used throughout commercial properties. For example, interior doors within offices, like conference doors, are typically affixed with a door closer that automatically closes the door. Additionally, commercial front doors are also installed with a closer unit, and overhead units are a popular choice. There are three common types of overhead door closers including:


  • Regular Arm:The regular arm, or standard arm, closer is a pull-side application, meaning it is located on the exterior of the door. In these applications, there are two arms, one attached to the frame and another to a spring-loaded box on the pull-side of the door. The arms, when closed, project out perpendicularly from the door, which is less attractive than other applications. This is the most power-efficient option available.


  • Top Jamb:Top jamb door closers, like regular arm closers, have arms that project out from the door perpendicularly. Yet, the biggest difference is that the spring-loaded box is mounted on the face of the doorframe. These are often used for aluminum or glass storefront doors, because these doors generally have narrow top rails. Like regular arm closers, top jamb closers are fairly power efficient.


  • Parallel Arm: With a parallel arm application, there are two arms that sit on top of the door when it is closed. They are attached to the door via a spring-loaded box, which sits at the top of the push-side of the door and powers the closing action. Parallel arm door closers are one of the most common applications, particularly in commercial properties and schools, because they reduce the risk of vandalism to the arm and they are more attractive than other overhead options. Due to the arm geometry, these are less power efficient than regular arm and top jamb closers.


infographic - surface mount styles  infographic - surface mount parts

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